Retired Attorney General Githu Muigai has been appointed the chairperson of the public-private partnerships petitions committee.
In a Gazette notice by Treasury CS Ukur Yatani, Muigai will serve as chairman of the committee while Mohamed Abbey Mohamed, Janice Kotut, Eunice Lumalla and Sadick Mustapha as members.
The Public-Private Partnership Unit (PPPU) is established under Section 8 of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Act, 2013 as a Special Purpose Unit within the National Treasury.
The PPP Unit's focus is to serve as the secretariat and technical arm of the PPP Committee, which is mandated with assessing and approving PPP projects in the country.
The PPP Unit, as the resource centre for best practice and guardian of the integrity of the PPP process, plays a large role in identifying problems, making recommendations to the PPP Committee regarding potential solutions, and ensuring that projects meet such quality criteria as affordability, value for money, and appropriate transfer of risk.
In 2018, Muigai was named among the non-executive chairpersons of Kenyatta National Hospital and Legal Education Council.
Muigai resigned on February 13, 2018, from the position of Attorney General which he had held since taking over from Amos Wako in August 2011 following the promulgation of the 2010 Constitution.
Before his appointment as AG he was a partner in Mohammed-Muigai Advocates.
He also served in the UN as special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination Xenophobia and Related Intolerance.