Police in Machakos on Tuesday arrested ABC Kiseveni Secondary School Principal Betta Mutuku over suspected exam cheating in the ongoing Kenya Certificate of Secondary exam (KCSE).
Machakos DCIO Rhoda Kanyi reported that the Principal was arrested after posting KCSE Mathematics Paper 2 which was starting on Tuesday morning, on her WhatsApp status overnight.
The Principal is also the National Deputy Chief Examiner of the Mathematics paper.
“We believe she posted the exam on her WhatsApp status for the candidates to study it overnight,” said Kanyi.
The suspect however claimed that she wasn’t aware that the paper had been posted on her status, alleging that she was also alerted by the intelligence officers.
She was booked at Machakos Police Station for interrogation awaiting arraignment in court.
Her phone was also confiscated as police launched investigations on the origin of the exam paper.