Mike The Weed Ambassador
Published on 11/26/2021

American Boxing star Mike Tyson might soon become the official ambassador for Malawi’s marijuana. Agriculture Minister Lobin Low sent a letter to Tyson inviting him to take up the role, and said legalization in Malawi had created new opportunities, reported BBC. Malawi legalized the growing and processing of cannabis for medicinal use last year, but did not legalize it for personal use. The country’s agriculture ministry has encouraged farmers to grow cannabis for medicinal purposes as well as hemp for industrial use.

A locally grown variety of cannabis – Malawi gold – is renowned by recreational users across the world. The government of Malawi hopes Mr Tyson’s backing will rope in some investors and even potential buyers. The head of its Malawi branch, Wezi Ngalamila, told the press the former boxer had accepted the invitation and plans were under way for him to visit the country. 

Tyson has said smoking cannabis helped improve his mental health and turn his life around. Some studies, however, have suggested smoking potent cannabis can increase your risk of serious mental illness.

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