Govt Approves Over KShs. 2.6 Billion for Retired Politicians
Published on 10/01/2021

The Treasury has approved that 328 former Councillors who served for over 4 terms will be paid Ksh664, 000 each in a one-off payment.  This means Councillors will receive KShs. 2.6 billion from the Treasury at the beginning of next year's financial year. It's also also added that 11,919 Councillors that served for less than 4 terms will also be paid Ksh200,000 each. 

The Treasury Cabinet Secretary Ukur Yattani noted that the Councillors will have to wait until the beginning of the next financial year to receive the payment due to the harsh economic times. 

The Members of Parliament also wanted Yatani to bring a supplementary budget and cater for the Councillors as many are succumbing to old age and sickness. 

Previously, on August 5, 2020, parliament passed an amendment law allowing retired MPs to get a Ksh100,000 monthly pension for life. 

The amendment was set to apply only to the MPs who served between 1984 and 2001.

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